About Our Herd Sires
We respect all bucks for who they are; however, we do not retain bucks that are aggressive.
Selecting a buck for a herd is one of the most important decisions a breeder will make; as they say, a buck is 50% of your herd. We take buck selection very seriously and have a number of criteria that they have to meet in order for them to be a part of our program.
The #1 MOST IMPORTANT trait that we look for in a buck is their temperament. After having a buck that turned aggressive on us, we made the decision to never have a buck that put our lives at risk. We respect all bucks for who they are and what they do; however, we will not retain or sell a buck that we believe is aggressive. We have also determined, though our experiences with different bucks, that a buck's temperament is passed down to his progeny.
When we decide on a buck for our ABGA Registered herd, they must carry traits that we want in all of his progeny; big bone, roman nose, nice round symmetrical scrotum with very little split, correct ears, good teat structure, square frame and beautiful South African features.
Since we are new to the Wether Bred world, we are still looking for that perfect Wether Bred herd sire to bring into the herd. For now, we are using leased sires as well as Artificial Insemination.
Unless it is breeding season, all of our bucks are kept in a pen away from the does. The less they can see and smell of a doe, the better they tend to act. We also find that this helps keep our fences intact!