We are members of the US-SABGBA and placed 36 animals in the SA Stud Book in October 2024!
We are located 20 Miles north of Lampasas, TX, off Hwy. 281, 76550
Email: GinnyBoerGoats@gmail.com
FaceBook: GinnyBoerGoats
You will often find us available and eager to talk about goats. We love helping new goat owners get started and welcome your call and conversation.

Our Story
We never intended to love goats! We were going to use them to clean up the pastures and to help us keep our agricultural exemption. We were so wrong.
Goats are intuitive, inquisitive, and impish. They love to get in trouble. They respond to the way that we feel - FEEL - about them. How do they know? They are goats! Baby goats are the cutest things on earth, next to our grandchildren.
We are a small ranch (in Texas that is an oxymoron) of 72 acres. We will spend our retirement raising Boer goats and helping children and youth show goats. In the height of the COVID pandemic we became a multi-generational family. We are so thankful to be with our grandsons, daughter and son-in-law. We see our granddaughter and her dad and mom as often as we can.
We hope you will come visit us and take a look at our great livestock. We have grown from the ground up (literally) with 9 goats and a llama. Some of our goats were commercial, some percentage Boer, and we had two full-bloods. We have grown to almost 50 breeding does and untold number of kids - all full-blood. We are proud of our hard work and we are thankful to have the opportunity to work with you.
Our current herd is more traditional in color; however, we are working on increasing our colored herd. Our goal for the next few years is to take colored breeding to the next level. We plan to do this by mixing old genetics with dapple colors. We can't wait to see the outcome! Keep watching our website and Facebook page for updates!
We take supreme care of our livestock with the involvement of our multi-generational family. We've met some of the best people we have ever known through the Boer Goat industry - we try to be like them.
We do not make our goats pets. We work to have them tame enough that we can adequately care for them, but you won't find them following us around.
We use llamas as guardians and think they are the best. (We respect your right to think other guardians are the best too.) Rose and Lizza are the 2 newest members of our guard team, and they are learning from our 2 wise, older llamas.
Hunter is our third child. He has helped us survive being empty nesters and the transition to ranch life. Hunter is a Fox Red Labrador from Panara Labradors, Collins, Iowa, Pam Doubek, DVM. (Update: Hunter passed away in the Spring of 2024. He is burred on our property, and will forever be with us.)